Cleveland Pinball League
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Cleveland Pinball League

Active from 07/11/2019 through 09/05/2022.

Played 5 seasons, 29 meets, 116 games.

Machine Summaries

MachineAverage ScoreHighest ScoreLowest ScorePlays
Banzai Run (SE) 561,660 561,660 561,660 1
Barracorra (SE) 361,170 485,270 237,060 2
Black Knight 2000 (SE) 1,000,980 1,000,980 1,000,980 1
Black Knight Sword of Rage (SE) 21,408,220 47,884,760 7,150,030 3
Black Knight: SOR (PP) 24,555,230 24,555,230 24,555,230 1
Cactus Canyon Remake (SE) 22,138,990 43,040,510 4,690,930 3
Centaur (SE) 286,070 286,070 286,070 1
Cirqus Voltaire (SE) 12,750,550 13,170,070 12,331,020 2
Comet (SE) 504,000 504,000 504,000 1
Cyclone (PP) 815,540 1,087,110 317,080 3
Deadpool (SE) 37,170,880 75,114,380 9,979,690 3
Demolition Man (SE) 335,422,140 600,552,880 80,552,770 4
Diner (HD) 2,387,930 4,389,760 583,030 7
Doctor Who (HD) 37,727,010 57,032,230 6,106,080 5
Doctor Who (SE) 44,771,290 79,599,000 9,943,570 2
Eight Ball (SE) 54,910 73,850 41,410 3
Elvira (Stern) (PP) 2,947,340 2,947,340 2,947,340 1
ElviraATPM (SE) 2,392,900 3,503,880 636,520 3
Fish Tales (HD) 28,163,060 28,163,060 28,163,060 1
Flight 2000 (SE) 104,230 104,230 104,230 1
Frontier (SE) 272,870 272,870 272,870 1
Future Spa (SE) 189,020 235,830 142,210 2
Game of Thrones Premium (PP) 24,744,260 24,744,260 24,744,260 1
Godzilla Pro (SE) 27,807,520 41,742,590 9,002,730 3
Grand Lizard (SE) 1,426,940 1,698,540 1,155,330 2
Guns 'n Roses JJP (SE) 214,480 273,969 154,986 2
Halloween (SE) 3,735,900 3,735,900 3,735,900 1
Harlem Globetrotters (HD) 51,280 67,350 37,950 5
Iron Maiden (HD) 33,315,670 94,586,730 7,632,440 6
Johnny Mnemonic (SE) 614,577,910 727,601,420 501,554,390 2
Lost World (HD) 106,270 270,260 23,940 8
Mata Hari (SE) 62,150 62,150 62,150 1
Meteor (HD) 18,010 30,661 5,351 2
Monopoly (PP) 3,754,340 5,142,090 2,366,590 2
Night Rider (SE) 41,430 41,430 41,430 1
Paragon (SE) 224,650 407,510 41,780 2
Party Zone (PP) 3,946,620 3,946,620 3,946,620 1
Phantom of the Opera (SE) 834,550 834,550 834,550 1
PinBot (PP) 231,000 231,000 231,000 1
Pirates of the Caribbean (PP) 6,010 6,011 6,011 1
Road Show (SE) 395,072,140 395,072,140 395,072,140 1
Rocky and Bullwinkle (PP) 107,609,980 144,946,330 70,273,630 2
Skateball (SE) 41,140 41,140 41,140 1
Solar Fire (SE) 113,110 113,110 113,110 1
Star Trek (HD) 5,834,530 6,056,410 5,612,640 2
Stars (SE) 25,120 25,120 25,120 1
Stranger Things (SE) 49,924,430 73,044,660 8,649,200 3
Taxi (HD) 540,360 651,480 429,240 2
Twilight Zone (PP) 31,490,420 31,490,420 31,490,420 1
Twilight Zone (SE) 6,700,000 6,700,000 6,700,000 1
Ultraman (PP) 1,451,020 1,451,020 1,451,020 1
Whirlwind (SE) 2,579,160 3,272,330 1,885,980 2
Wipe Out (PP) 125,384,260 125,384,260 125,384,260 1
World Cup Soccer '94 (SE) 164,553,770 164,553,770 164,553,770 1
Xenon (HD) 147,390 158,850 135,920 2
Yukon (SE) 151,100 151,100 151,100 1

Head to Head Results

OpponentWinsLossesWin Percentage
Aiden Gensel2250.00%
Al Demor3537.50%
Andrew Lee040.00%
Andy Grady2250.00%
Angela Hytree40100.00%
Arlo Russell3175.00%
Ben Haehn4450.00%
Bill Taylor040.00%
Brian Clagett2250.00%
BT Rambeau1325.00%
Bubs O'Connor2250.00%
Chris Kious6275.00%
Chris Weber1325.00%
Clay Hinson3537.50%
Dan Russell4450.00%
Daniel Knapp1325.00%
Dave DeOreo2250.00%
Declan Ziegler1325.00%
Derek Fierst2250.00%
Eric Dibling3175.00%
Eric Liss2250.00%
Ethan Smilg3175.00%
Gary McIntyre40100.00%
Gregory Kennedy2625.00%
Hector Caraballo040.00%
Ian Verschuren1325.00%
Jeff Kest6275.00%
Joe Szucs1325.00%
Johnzell Wilson3175.00%
Jon Zagorski3537.50%
JP McCarthy7463.64%
Justis Estell3537.50%
Kelley Carr3175.00%
Laura Wimbles6275.00%
Leah Gosciejew2250.00%
Levon Russell3175.00%
Lilli Stapp5362.50%
Lisa Sanchez3175.00%
Mark Terveen7558.33%
Martin Schneider2250.00%
Matt McCullaugh3175.00%
Megan Brown3537.50%
Nic Shayko3537.50%
Nick Kennedy3175.00%
Pac Man6275.00%
Rachel Fisher3175.00%
Randi Russell3175.00%
Rob Townsend2250.00%
Sean Smith040.00%
Shana Mysko2166.67%
Terrence Carl1325.00%
Tim Zjaba040.00%
Timmy Breidenstein5741.67%
Trevor Taylor2625.00%
Valencia Kelly2625.00%

Badges Awarded (18)

Double Jackpot
Double Jackpot
Earned for scoring 300 total league points.

Earned 08/22/2022 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 19 meet 4)
Earned for playing 50 different machines.

Earned 08/01/2022 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 19 meet 1)
Going for Gold
Going for Gold
Earned for finishing a season with the high score on a machine.

Earned 03/26/2020 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 16 meet 8)
Earned for having a 100% win percentage against an opponent in a season.

Earned 03/26/2020 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 16 meet 8)
Earned for playing 30 different machines.

Earned 03/12/2020 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 16 meet 6)
Earned for scoring 150 total league points.

Earned 02/20/2020 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 16 meet 3)
Best in Show
Best in Show
Earned for having the top score for a machine in a meet.

Earned 02/06/2020 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 16 meet 1)
Daily Double
Daily Double
Earned for having the top score for two machines in a meet.

Earned 02/06/2020 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 16 meet 1)
Beating the Odds
Beating the Odds
Earned for exceeding the league average on every game of a meet.

Earned 02/06/2020 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 16 meet 1)
Top Banana
Top Banana
Earned for qualifying for the playoffs as #1 seed in your division.

Earned 12/19/2019 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 15 meet 8)
Game Room
Game Room
Earned for playing 15 different machines.

Earned 12/19/2019 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 15 meet 8)
Finish Line
Finish Line
Earned for completing a season.

Earned 12/19/2019 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 15 meet 8)
Earned for scoring 10+ points for 5 consecutive meets.

Earned 11/28/2019 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 15 meet 5)
Earned for winning your group.

Earned 11/21/2019 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 15 meet 4)
Red Line
Red Line
Earned for playing in a "close game".

Earned 07/25/2019 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 14 meet 3)
Old School
Old School
Earned for having a machine score ending in 000.

Earned 07/18/2019 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 14 meet 2)
Earned for having a machine score not ending in zero.

Earned 07/11/2019 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 14 meet 1)
Mirror Mirror
Mirror Mirror
Earned for having a palindromic machine score.

Earned 07/11/2019 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 14 meet 1)