Cleveland Pinball League
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Cleveland Pinball League

Active from 10/31/2019 through 10/13/2024.

Played 10 seasons, 63 meets, 252 games.

Machine Summaries

MachineAverage ScoreHighest ScoreLowest ScorePlays
Ali (SE) 136,790 136,790 136,790 1
Attack From Mars (remake) (PP) 740,420,800 1,219,385,600 253,904,760 6
Avengers: Infinity Quest (Pro) (SE) 38,067,630 79,802,590 13,372,840 6
Bad Cats (SE) 1,967,920 2,483,940 1,593,110 3
Banzai Run (SE) 1,468,810 1,971,750 977,720 3
Barracorra (SE) 408,980 1,289,420 78,480 8
Black Knight (SE) 69,520 69,520 69,520 1
Black Knight 2000 (SE) 354,290 354,290 354,290 1
Black Knight Sword of Rage (SE) 49,658,620 99,018,320 20,677,300 5
Black Knight: SOR (PP) 5,511,860 6,893,580 4,130,140 2
Bram Stoker's Dracula (SE) 7,241,470 7,241,470 7,241,470 1
Bride of Pinbot (SE) 6,469,960 14,214,810 2,247,920 5
Cactus Canyon Remake (SE) 7,938,660 12,330,320 4,163,240 7
Centaur (SE) 166,430 168,730 164,120 2
Cheetah (SE) 545,700 787,240 304,150 2
Cirqus Voltaire (SE) 2,290,930 2,898,580 1,683,270 2
Cyclone (PP) 466,180 466,180 466,180 1
Deadpool (PP) 39,359,140 73,235,690 5,482,580 2
Deadpool (SE) 35,531,940 65,001,800 16,923,570 4
Demolition Man (SE) 446,597,890 935,870,150 69,551,270 7
Diner (HD) 1,369,570 1,369,570 1,369,570 1
Diner (SE) 12,925,950 24,404,320 1,447,570 2
Doctor Who (HD) 59,757,120 59,757,120 59,757,120 1
Doctor Who (SE) 112,790,410 166,181,690 59,399,120 2
Dragon (Interflip) (SE) 444,800 580,300 309,300 2
Dungeons & Dragons (SE) 690,290 1,058,170 326,520 3
Eight Ball (SE) 98,320 152,290 51,070 11
Elvira (Stern) (PP) 11,825,950 24,938,550 3,434,570 3
ElviraATPM (SE) 2,233,780 5,323,910 363,570 3
Firepower (SE) 42,270 42,270 42,270 1
Flash (SE) 115,970 115,970 115,970 1
Flash Gordon (SE) 433,370 637,880 228,860 2
Flight 2000 (SE) 127,230 176,390 78,060 2
Foo Fighters (Pro) (SE) 75,587,410 120,170,810 45,803,800 3
Frontier (SE) 150,180 150,180 150,180 1
Future Spa (SE) 167,220 298,880 29,720 5
Game of Thrones (SE) 158,935,160 363,085,960 14,480,110 7
Game of Thrones Premium (PP) 19,087,930 26,767,240 1,912,110 6
Getaway (SE) 49,141,500 110,537,720 11,722,200 3
Godzilla Pro (SE) 96,493,520 237,887,370 21,355,470 11
Grand Lizard (SE) 324,800 579,450 85,310 5
Guardians of the Galaxy (PP) 44,512,890 94,042,010 9,895,010 3
Halloween (SE) 10,031,730 14,778,370 3,674,050 3
Harlem Globetrotters (HD) 28,760 28,760 28,760 1
Hurricane (SE) 4,412,860 4,412,860 4,412,860 1
Iron Maiden (SE) 45,285,610 103,054,980 9,213,920 5
James Bond 007 (SE) 68,157,480 118,030,600 40,246,020 3
Jaws (Pro) (SE) 76,060,730 110,335,090 34,900,970 3
John Wick (SE) 33,211,560 61,950,580 4,472,530 2
Johnny Mnemonic (SE) 1,244,642,140 1,244,642,140 1,244,642,140 1
Jurassic Park Pro (SE) 52,173,220 90,288,320 9,014,280 6
Lost World (HD) 52,010 52,010 52,010 1
Mata Hari (SE) 203,470 213,070 193,870 2
Metallica (PP) 12,393,140 15,361,020 9,425,250 2
Monopoly (PP) 427,140 427,140 427,140 1
Monster Bash (remake) (PP) 12,028,710 20,554,620 3,502,790 2
Mousin' Around (SE) 4,267,830 9,194,430 1,765,840 5
No Fear (SE) 256,726,380 256,726,380 256,726,380 1
Paragon (SE) 104,340 130,060 81,200 3
Party Zone (PP) 4,801,200 9,104,610 497,780 2
PinBot (PP) 358,190 668,800 198,160 3
Pirates of the Caribbean (PP) 15,290 15,290 15,290 1
Rocky and Bullwinkle (PP) 60,849,970 78,408,010 43,291,920 2
Rollergames (PP) 590,190 590,190 590,190 1
Rush (Pro) (SE) 18,439,820 18,439,820 18,439,820 1
Seawitch (SE) 442,660 1,357,310 122,980 7
Simpsons Pinball Party (SE) 3,652,100 4,927,590 2,376,610 2
Skateball (SE) 353,800 782,610 117,330 3
Solar Fire (SE) 300,090 465,110 135,070 2
Star Trek Pro (PP) 12,295,280 13,695,960 10,894,600 2
Star Wars Episode 1 (SE) 19,238,380 24,514,910 13,961,840 2
Stranger Things (SE) 214,302,070 gold medal 654,064,710 13,798,030 7
Taxi (PP) 1,245,660 2,305,810 185,500 2
The Addams Family (SE) 31,280,280 42,298,130 20,262,430 2
The Mandalorian (SE) 10,488,540 10,488,540 10,488,540 1
Twilight Zone (SE) 138,497,180 219,278,230 57,716,120 2
Venom (SE) 83,714,790 154,054,370 8,434,260 5
Wheel of Fortune (SE) 8,127,910 16,135,360 2,579,540 4
Whirlwind (SE) 2,222,110 3,319,240 1,124,970 2
WhiteWater (SE) 235,108,340 365,278,120 104,938,560 2
Wipe Out (PP) 38,760,810 50,741,540 15,724,000 3
World Cup Soccer '94 (SE) 264,095,840 367,870,400 160,321,280 2
Yukon (SE) 187,960 273,480 136,020 3

Head to Head Results

OpponentWinsLossesWin Percentage
Aaron McMillin162044.44%
Alisha Snyder1325.00%
Andrew Schwartz4450.00%
Andrew Vinborg40100.00%
Andy Grady2250.00%
Annie Nickoloff3175.00%
Arlo Russell181456.25%
Aubrey Volk1325.00%
Ben Haehn040.00%
Branden Yearsley7187.50%
Brian Cade1325.00%
Brian Clagett1325.00%
BT Rambeau1325.00%
Candy Freed40100.00%
Cassidy Clark3175.00%
Chris Weber1712.50%
Clare Gross3175.00%
Clay Carr040.00%
Clay Hinson1325.00%
Dan Lamparyk4450.00%
Declan Ziegler2250.00%
Derek Demianczyk40100.00%
Derek Fierst7943.75%
DJ Toth040.00%
Dylan Volk40100.00%
Eric Courtney40100.00%
Eric Dibling10662.50%
Eric Liss2250.00%
Ernie Bilek1233.33%
Fred Hussein3175.00%
Gary McIntyre3175.00%
Geoff Shobert4450.00%
George Viebranz Jr.2250.00%
Gregory Kennedy1325.00%
Hector Caraballo4450.00%
Ian Verschuren2625.00%
Jake Zard3175.00%
Jeff Kest2250.00%
Jen LeMaster4450.00%
Jessica Homer7187.50%
Jon Hrobat8466.67%
Josh Biszantz11568.75%
Joshua Vardous3175.00%
Judie Vegh3175.00%
Julia Licastro8466.67%
Julian Williams2250.00%
Justis Estell141450.00%
Kaitlin Truskot7187.50%
Kelley Carr1325.00%
Kelly McGowan8466.67%
Kevin Vogl2250.00%
Kyle Shepard12860.00%
Leah Gosciejew10283.33%
Levon Russell16480.00%
Lou Ziegler2250.00%
Mark Biszantz8850.00%
Mark Brown1712.50%
Mark Houghton2250.00%
Mark Licastro9756.25%
Mark Terveen3537.50%
Marlys Rambeau General2250.00%
Marty Brass2250.00%
Matthew Axel2250.00%
Mel Russell3175.00%
Michael James040.00%
Olivia Mance3175.00%
Pac Man3537.50%
Paul Russell6275.00%
Rachel Bergman40100.00%
Rachel Fisher5362.50%
Randi Russell15575.00%
Raz Rasmussen40100.00%
Riley Hytree3175.00%
Rob Hytree2166.67%
Rob Townsend101050.00%
Russ Murphy7558.33%
Sam Sieder6650.00%
Shana Mysko5362.50%
Shane Lewis3175.00%
Stephen Prusa040.00%
Steven McGrew3175.00%
Terrence Carl81240.00%
Tim Zjaba1325.00%
Timmy Breidenstein101835.71%
Tom Goldthwait40100.00%
Valencia Kelly91537.50%

Badges Awarded (32)

Red Line Mania
Red Line Mania
Earned for playing in multiple "close games" in a meet.

Earned 10/06/2024 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 24 meet 5)
Quadruple Jackpot
Quadruple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 600 total league points.

Earned 04/07/2024 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 23 meet 1)
Earned for completing 5 seasons.

Earned 10/15/2023 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 22 meet 6)
Downhill Slide
Downhill Slide
Earned for getting fewer league points on each game than the one before.

Earned 10/01/2023 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 22 meet 4)
Triple Jackpot
Triple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 450 total league points.

Earned 12/12/2022 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 20 meet 6)
Big 2-0
Big 2-0
Earned for scoring 20 points in a meet!

Earned 12/12/2022 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 20 meet 6)
Earned for winning your group in 3 consecutive meets.

Earned 12/12/2022 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 20 meet 6)
Player For All Seasons
Player For All Seasons
Earned for completing 3 consecutive seasons in a league.

Earned 12/12/2022 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 20 meet 6)
Head of the Class
Head of the Class
Earned for making A Division.

Earned 12/12/2022 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 20 meet 6)
En Fuego
En Fuego
Earned for winning all games in a meet.

Earned 12/12/2022 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 20 meet 6)
Earned for earning the DOHO badge.

Earned 12/05/2022 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 20 meet 5)
Hit the Mark
Hit the Mark
Earned for having a machine score ending in 000,000.

Earned 11/28/2022 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 20 meet 4)
Close Shave
Close Shave
Earned for winning a game by less than a 1% margin.

Earned 08/15/2022 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 19 meet 3)
Beating the Odds
Beating the Odds
Earned for exceeding the league average on every game of a meet.

Earned 08/08/2022 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 19 meet 2)
Double Jackpot
Double Jackpot
Earned for scoring 300 total league points.

Earned 05/20/2022 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 18 meet 8)
Earned for playing 50 different machines.

Earned 05/06/2022 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 18 meet 6)
Earned for winning your group in 2 consecutive meets.

Earned 04/08/2022 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 18 meet 2)
Earned for duplicating a score previously recorded on a machine.

Earned 11/25/2021 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 17 meet 5)
Daily Double
Daily Double
Earned for having the top score for two machines in a meet.

Earned 10/28/2021 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 17 meet 1)
Going for Gold
Going for Gold
Earned for finishing a season with the high score on a machine.

Earned 03/26/2020 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 16 meet 8)
Earned for having a 100% win percentage against an opponent in a season.

Earned 03/26/2020 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 16 meet 8)
Earned for scoring 150 total league points.

Earned 03/19/2020 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 16 meet 7)
Earned for winning a game with less than 20% of the league average score.

Earned 02/27/2020 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 16 meet 4)
Earned for playing 30 different machines.

Earned 02/20/2020 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 16 meet 3)
Earned for scoring 10+ points for 5 consecutive meets.

Earned 12/19/2019 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 15 meet 8)
Finish Line
Finish Line
Earned for completing a season.

Earned 12/19/2019 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 15 meet 8)
Game Room
Game Room
Earned for playing 15 different machines.

Earned 11/28/2019 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 15 meet 5)
Best in Show
Best in Show
Earned for having the top score for a machine in a meet.

Earned 11/21/2019 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 15 meet 4)
Earned for winning your group.

Earned 11/21/2019 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 15 meet 4)
Billionaire Club
Billionaire Club
Earned for scoring a billion points on a machine.

Earned 11/21/2019 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 15 meet 4)
Red Line
Red Line
Earned for playing in a "close game".

Earned 11/14/2019 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 15 meet 3)
Old School
Old School
Earned for having a machine score ending in 000.

Earned 11/14/2019 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 15 meet 3)