Cleveland Pinball League
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Cleveland Pinball League

Active from 07/11/2019 through 02/09/2025.

Played 7 seasons, 39 meets, 156 games.

Machine Summaries

MachineAverage ScoreHighest ScoreLowest ScorePlays
Attack From Mars (remake) (PP) 241,676,890 264,331,810 219,021,970 2
Batman Dark Knight (PP) 2,954,730 2,954,730 2,954,730 1
Bram Stoker's Dracula (SE) 26,432,720 27,424,770 25,440,660 2
Bride of Pinbot (SE) 2,934,070 4,904,660 1,702,550 3
Cactus Canyon (PP) 7,447,990 7,447,990 7,447,990 1
Cactus Canyon Remake (SE) 12,649,520 21,703,840 7,677,760 5
Centaur (SE) 272,170 404,260 89,570 3
Cinema (PP) 47,490 47,490 47,490 1
Comet (SE) 326,570 449,930 241,380 4
Cyclone (PP) 959,220 959,220 959,220 1
Deadpool (PP) 43,121,190 63,432,100 24,596,930 3
Deadpool (SE) 23,958,960 43,921,780 9,466,790 5
Demolition Man (SE) 212,329,200 512,867,520 50,379,460 5
Diner (SE) 1,360,770 1,805,500 916,030 2
Doctor Who (SE) 21,778,330 69,636,160 4,781,090 4
Dragon (Interflip) (SE) 294,500 294,500 294,500 1
Elvira (Stern) (PP) 6,019,730 7,570,430 4,920,770 3
ElviraATPM (SE) 2,971,320 2,971,320 2,971,320 1
F-14 (SE) 168,180 168,180 168,180 1
Flash Gordon (SE) 146,370 146,370 146,370 1
Flight 2000 (SE) 67,580 67,580 67,580 1
Funhouse (SE) 2,516,650 2,516,650 2,516,650 1
Game of Thrones (SE) 48,982,290 48,982,290 48,982,290 1
Genesis (PP) 626,710 1,344,840 183,030 4
Godzilla Premium (PP) 35,607,670 44,072,650 31,052,020 3
Godzilla Pro (SE) 23,682,680 54,469,430 7,145,730 3
Grand Lizard (SE) 199,580 306,880 133,660 3
Guardians of the Galaxy (PP) 103,621,430 125,056,800 82,186,060 2
Guns 'n Roses JJP (SE) 86,180 86,183 86,183 1
Halloween (PP) 2,971,980 5,285,120 1,483,200 3
Iron Maiden (SE) 31,897,170 108,628,800 3,856,910 7
James Bond 007 (SE) 1,778,520 1,778,520 1,778,520 1
Jaws (Pro) (SE) 29,922,240 29,922,240 29,922,240 1
John Wick (PP) 7,773,540 7,773,540 7,773,540 1
John Wick (SE) 9,929,240 9,929,240 9,929,240 1
Johnny Mnemonic (SE) 293,660,010 293,660,010 293,660,010 1
Jungle Lord (PP) 85,130 85,130 85,130 1
Jurassic Park DE (PP) 58,039,420 78,591,180 42,795,190 3
Jurassic Park Premium (PP) 33,519,400 42,643,110 24,146,110 3
Jurassic Park Pro (SE) 20,978,860 23,336,550 18,621,160 2
Mata Hari (SE) 275,330 275,330 275,330 1
Meteor (HD) 10,460 10,460 10,460 1
Monster Bash (remake) (PP) 24,170,540 39,963,160 13,058,820 5
Mousin' Around (SE) 1,894,440 2,664,260 1,124,610 2
No Fear (SE) 174,553,900 213,494,140 135,613,650 2
Paragon (SE) 31,640 33,400 29,870 2
Phantom of the Opera (SE) 1,074,150 1,074,150 1,074,150 1
PinBot (PP) 460,470 665,470 325,800 3
Roller Coaster Tycoon (PP) 3,381,970 4,668,370 1,354,260 3
Rush Pro (PP) 5,876,830 5,876,830 5,876,830 1
Scooby-Doo (PP) 7,942,700 7,942,700 7,942,700 1
Shrek (SE) 1,434,340 1,434,340 1,434,340 1
Simpsons Pinball Party (SE) 2,103,170 2,708,180 1,498,160 2
Skateball (SE) 182,580 241,360 123,790 2
Space Invaders (PP) 229,850 229,850 229,850 1
Space Station (SE) 295,010 295,010 295,010 1
Star Trek (HD) 6,342,380 6,342,380 6,342,380 1
Stranger Things (SE) 37,589,500 51,666,640 18,599,440 3
Taxi (HD) 444,480 444,480 444,480 1
Taxi (SE) 1,217,970 1,428,030 1,007,910 2
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (PP) 3,463,470 7,931,280 723,100 6
Terminator 2 (SE) 1,635,260 1,635,260 1,635,260 1
The Addams Family (SE) 10,961,760 15,872,380 6,051,130 2
Twilight Zone (SE) 5,657,710 5,657,710 5,657,710 1
Venom (SE) 42,803,730 42,803,730 42,803,730 1
Venom Premium (PP) 12,528,950 12,528,950 12,528,950 1
Walking Dead Premium (PP) 18,724,300 34,016,090 3,432,500 2
Wheel of Fortune (SE) 6,916,200 6,916,200 6,916,200 1
WhiteWater (SE) 10,450,330 10,450,330 10,450,330 1
Who Dunnit? (PP) 332,729,400 332,729,400 332,729,400 1
Wipe Out (PP) 144,505,940 245,657,800 43,354,070 2
World Cup Soccer '94 (SE) 233,023,360 335,502,050 130,544,660 2
World Cup Soccer (PP) 252,412,930 389,492,650 115,333,200 2
Xenon (HD) 10,260 10,260 10,260 1
Xenon (SE) 179,890 182,840 176,940 2
Yukon (SE) 88,690 91,100 86,280 2

Head to Head Results

OpponentWinsLossesWin Percentage
Aaron Rich040.00%
Alisha Snyder2250.00%
Alyssa Goodwin1325.00%
Amanda Case2250.00%
Amy Virostko1325.00%
Andrew Lee1325.00%
Annie Nickoloff3175.00%
Becky Runevitch040.00%
Ben Haehn040.00%
Benn Draher040.00%
Betsy Nickoloff3175.00%
Brandon Kirsch5362.50%
Brett Friedman40100.00%
Bryan Shay3537.50%
Bubs O'Connor3175.00%
Chris Kious40100.00%
Chris Weber1325.00%
Clay Hinson1325.00%
Danette Naftanel1325.00%
Daniel Stapp2250.00%
Darren Irwin40100.00%
David Greene2625.00%
Desiree Lewis040.00%
Don Robinson2250.00%
Dylan McGuire40100.00%
Emerald Demor10662.50%
Fiona Kelly1325.00%
Geoff Shobert1325.00%
Hector Caraballo2250.00%
JD Chips2250.00%
Jeff Farmer2250.00%
Jen LeMaster5362.50%
Jeremy Alberico2250.00%
Jessica Homer2250.00%
Jimmy Thain1325.00%
Joe Beyer5741.67%
Joey Gentile3175.00%
John Volk3175.00%
Jon Hrobat1325.00%
JP McCarthy040.00%
Julian Williams2625.00%
Justin Reitz3175.00%
Kaitlin Truskot6275.00%
Katie Avila1325.00%
Kevin Vogl2250.00%
Kyle Shepard2528.57%
Leah Gosciejew5362.50%
Lilli Stapp2250.00%
Linnea Gunvalsen3175.00%
Liz Wayman2250.00%
Marc Bielecki040.00%
Marlys Rambeau General040.00%
Matt E Owen1712.50%
Michael Bajorek1325.00%
Michael James5741.67%
Michael London040.00%
Nicholas Kamps040.00%
Nicole Turk2250.00%
Pac Man3537.50%
Pat Kupniewski2250.00%
Paul Ellis1325.00%
Rachel Fisher1325.00%
Randall Hoyle2250.00%
Randi Russell1325.00%
Raz Rasmussen3175.00%
Rebecca Kulchak2250.00%
Richard Rulong040.00%
Rob Townsend1325.00%
Sabrina Dugandzic1325.00%
Sean Jeter1325.00%
Steve Lamb2250.00%
Tedd Mirgliotta2250.00%
Terrence Carl1325.00%
Timica Campbell5362.50%
Timmy Breidenstein2625.00%
Tony Lioi2625.00%
Tony Perialis3175.00%
Trevor Taylor040.00%
Valencia Kelly3537.50%
Victoria Semarjian6275.00%
Will Skora2250.00%
William Clark4833.33%

Badges Awarded (16)

Earned for winning your group in 2 consecutive meets.

Earned 10/06/2024 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 24 meet 5)
Earned for completing 5 seasons.

Earned 05/12/2024 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 23 meet 6)
Player For All Seasons
Player For All Seasons
Earned for completing 3 consecutive seasons in a league.

Earned 05/12/2024 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 23 meet 6)
Double Jackpot
Double Jackpot
Earned for scoring 300 total league points.

Earned 05/05/2024 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 23 meet 5)
Earned for playing 50 different machines.

Earned 09/10/2023 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 22 meet 1)
Earned for scoring 150 total league points.

Earned 12/16/2021 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 17 meet 8)
Earned for having a machine score not ending in zero.

Earned 12/16/2021 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 17 meet 8)
Earned for playing 30 different machines.

Earned 12/02/2021 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 17 meet 6)
Best in Show
Best in Show
Earned for having the top score for a machine in a meet.

Earned 11/25/2021 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 17 meet 5)
Red Line Mania
Red Line Mania
Earned for playing in multiple "close games" in a meet.

Earned 11/18/2021 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 17 meet 4)
Finish Line
Finish Line
Earned for completing a season.

Earned 08/29/2019 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 14 meet 8)
Earned for having a 100% win percentage against an opponent in a season.

Earned 08/29/2019 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 14 meet 8)
Game Room
Game Room
Earned for playing 15 different machines.

Earned 08/15/2019 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 14 meet 6)
Old School
Old School
Earned for having a machine score ending in 000.

Earned 08/08/2019 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 14 meet 5)
Earned for winning your group.

Earned 08/08/2019 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 14 meet 5)
Red Line
Red Line
Earned for playing in a "close game".

Earned 07/18/2019 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 14 meet 2)