Cleveland Pinball League
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Cleveland Pinball League

Active from 06/09/2017 through 10/08/2023.

Played 12 seasons, 59 meets, 236 games.

Machine Summaries

MachineAverage ScoreHighest ScoreLowest ScorePlays
Andromeda (SE) 185,550 185,550 185,550 1
Avengers: Infinity Quest (Pro) (SE) 10,341,350 15,704,560 5,468,000 7
Bad Cats (SE) 1,040,660 1,978,950 559,100 3
Barracorra (SE) 63,280 63,280 63,280 1
Black Knight (SE) 23,480 30,440 16,510 2
Bride of Pinbot (SE) 1,525,430 2,086,860 963,990 2
Cactus Canyon (PP) 2,299,050 3,099,910 1,498,190 2
Cactus Canyon Remake (SE) 7,436,400 15,814,150 4,138,240 5
Centaur (SE) 96,290 105,050 87,530 2
Cyclone (PP) 634,120 903,160 365,080 2
Deadpool (SE) 25,901,280 81,666,230 3,045,410 14
Demolition Man (SE) 36,617,630 43,384,630 29,850,620 2
Dialed In! (SE) 39,660 39,660 39,660 1
Diner (HD) 1,604,390 1,604,390 1,604,390 1
Diner (SE) 1,411,190 4,409,850 485,500 6
Doctor Who (SE) 10,346,340 49,492,950 4,188,030 10
Dolly! (SE) 115,600 115,600 115,600 1
Dragon (Interflip) (SE) 264,610 386,300 127,200 7
Dungeons & Dragons (SE) 186,900 186,900 186,900 1
Eight Ball (SE) 73,790 73,790 73,790 1
Eight Ball Deluxe (SE) 133,320 172,000 92,530 4
Elvira (Stern) (PP) 10,922,900 10,922,900 10,922,900 1
ElviraATPM (SE) 1,303,130 1,303,130 1,303,130 1
F-14 (SE) 213,200 293,680 132,710 2
F-14 Tomcat (HD) 122,160 122,160 122,160 1
Faces (SE) 412,100 412,100 412,100 1
Fireball (SE) 4,790 6,610 2,130 3
Flash Gordon (SE) 143,230 243,200 34,560 5
Foo Fighters (Pro) (SE) 14,064,130 14,064,130 14,064,130 1
Frontier (HD) 71,390 71,390 71,390 1
Frontier (SE) 150,420 150,420 150,420 1
Funhouse (SE) 979,970 1,228,450 396,150 5
Future Spa (SE) 59,380 128,730 23,610 4
Game of Thrones (SE) 62,645,480 62,645,480 62,645,480 1
Genesis (PP) 82,390 82,390 82,390 1
Getaway (SE) 12,796,620 23,603,260 994,720 9
Godzilla Pro (SE) 13,444,560 14,950,200 11,938,920 2
Grand Lizard (SE) 167,930 271,500 106,140 3
Guardians of the Galaxy (PP) 50,540,800 50,540,800 50,540,800 1
Halloween (SE) 1,735,330 1,735,330 1,735,330 1
Haunted House (SE) 75,830 75,830 75,830 1
Hurricane (SE) 2,834,000 7,551,820 340,680 3
Iron Maiden (SE) 2,902,620 2,902,620 2,902,620 1
James Bond 007 (PP) 15,696,030 15,696,030 15,696,030 1
James Bond 007 (SE) 14,393,060 39,388,280 1,647,930 3
Jetsons (SE) 2,851,940 2,851,940 2,851,940 1
Judge Dredd (SE) 32,748,720 32,748,720 32,748,720 1
Jungle Queen (SE) 44,830 60,150 35,080 6
Jurassic Park Pro (SE) 14,794,080 24,127,360 9,354,590 3
Kiss (SE) 8,708,300 8,926,370 8,490,230 2
Lost World (HD) 48,380 48,380 48,380 1
Medieval Madness (SE) 1,375,030 1,375,030 1,375,030 1
Memory Lane (SE) 77,450 77,450 77,450 1
Monday Night Football (SE) 377,770 377,770 377,770 1
Monster Bash (remake) (PP) 14,515,460 28,484,720 6,606,400 3
Mousin' Around (SE) 970,000 970,000 970,000 1
Night Rider (SE) 33,350 46,740 19,730 3
Nip-It (PP) 18,330 18,330 18,330 1
No Fear (SE) 128,583,670 141,414,570 115,752,760 2
Orbitor 1 (SE) 87,230 117,290 57,170 2
Paragon (SE) 20,020 34,800 11,100 7
Phantom of the Opera (SE) 992,860 992,860 992,860 1
PinBot (SE) 181,090 192,080 170,090 2
Pop-A-Card (SE) 43,550 53,370 33,720 2
Ripley's Believe it or Not (HD) 1,482,380 1,482,380 1,482,380 1
Road Show (SE) 89,946,820 191,719,960 41,230,420 4
Roller Coaster Tycoon (PP) 1,315,130 1,315,130 1,315,130 1
Rollercoaster Tycoon (SE) 818,680 818,680 818,680 1
Rush (Pro) (SE) 11,961,530 12,717,090 11,205,960 2
Seawitch (SE) 54,550 54,550 54,550 1
Sharpshooter (SE) 46,080 72,450 19,700 2
Simpsons Pinball Party (SE) 1,076,990 1,076,990 1,076,990 1
Skateball (SE) 209,100 374,170 44,030 2
Space Shuttle (SE) 58,860 95,200 28,740 3
Star Trek (HD) 5,113,200 5,113,200 5,113,200 1
Star Wars Episode 1 (SE) 4,678,190 7,904,060 1,452,320 2
Stars (SE) 34,600 34,600 34,600 1
Stranger Things (SE) 31,486,090 48,075,450 11,880,620 6
Target Alpha (PP) 54,030 54,030 54,030 1
Taxi (SE) 450,020 836,810 151,810 7
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (HD) 6,489,680 6,489,680 6,489,680 1
Terminator 2 (SE) 3,195,200 3,372,800 2,853,270 3
The Mandalorian (SE) 1,253,140 1,253,140 1,253,140 1
The Shadow (HD) 29,370,550 29,370,550 29,370,550 1
The Shadow (SE) 56,926,700 65,180,990 40,530,550 5
Tommy (SE) 26,326,650 29,150,360 23,502,930 2
Toy Story 4 (PP) 271,200 446,270 96,130 2
Twilight Zone (SE) 20,203,270 32,156,540 8,030,140 3
Venom (SE) 20,017,740 23,188,530 16,846,950 2
Voltan (SE) 122,790 122,790 122,790 1
Wheel of Fortune (SE) 3,465,340 5,062,850 1,867,830 2
Whirlwind (SE) 662,920 662,920 662,920 1
Who Dunnit (SE) 148,395,320 148,395,320 148,395,320 1
Wizard! (SE) 32,650 36,840 28,450 2
World Cup Soccer '94 (SE) 64,359,680 64,359,680 64,359,680 1
X-Men (SE) 1,802,680 3,433,690 171,670 2
Yukon (SE) 145,220 145,220 145,220 1

Head to Head Results

OpponentWinsLossesWin Percentage
Aaron Burke040.00%
Aaron Trachtman1325.00%
Al Demor040.00%
Alisha Snyder1325.00%
Andrew Schwartz2625.00%
Andy Blanchard2250.00%
Annie Meder1325.00%
Arlo Russell3537.50%
Beau Blanchard2625.00%
Ben Haehn080.00%
Benn Draher2625.00%
Betsy Nickoloff4450.00%
Brett Friedman1712.50%
Brian Cade1325.00%
Bryan Shay3537.50%
Catherine Matthews7558.33%
Chris Kious3175.00%
Chris Mackar2250.00%
Clare Gross3175.00%
Clay Carr040.00%
Dan Russell040.00%
Darren Irwin2250.00%
Dave Amen2250.00%
Dave DeOreo21016.67%
Dave Kiss1325.00%
David Spasic040.00%
Dawn Schumacher2250.00%
Declan Ziegler5362.50%
DJ Toth040.00%
Dylan Volk1325.00%
Elliott Boycik4450.00%
Ellis Sussou, Jr1325.00%
Eric Dibling3175.00%
George Fumich040.00%
Heather Brack4450.00%
Hector Caraballo4450.00%
Henry Freed-Fundak3175.00%
Jeff Biasella1325.00%
Jen LeMaster21016.67%
Jeremy Wiggins3175.00%
Jesse Leyva040.00%
Jessie George2625.00%
Joan Jankowski2250.00%
John Volk40100.00%
Jon Adams4450.00%
Jon Geier040.00%
Josh Voight1325.00%
JP McCarthy2625.00%
Jude Telischak2250.00%
Justin Reitz3175.00%
Kaitlin Truskot3537.50%
Kelly McGowan5741.67%
Kevin Vogl1325.00%
Kyle Shepard2250.00%
Lalene Kay3537.50%
Laura Petkovsek3175.00%
Laura Wimbles040.00%
Leah Gosciejew4833.33%
Levon Russell3537.50%
Logan Hannigan1325.00%
Lou Ziegler080.00%
Mark Biszantz040.00%
Mark Terveen040.00%
Marlys Rambeau General5741.67%
Marty Brass21016.67%
Matthew Axel3537.50%
Michael James1233.33%
Nick Eaton1325.00%
Noah Freed-Fundak283246.67%
Paul Paterson1325.00%
Paul Russell040.00%
Randi Russell5741.67%
Rob Hytree1325.00%
Rob Townsend040.00%
Robert Pesta040.00%
Russ Murphy1325.00%
Ryan Debiase2625.00%
Sabrina Dugandzic1325.00%
Samuel Edmunds1325.00%
Shana Mysko1118.33%
Stacey Boycik2250.00%
Steven Browning2250.00%
Tara Toth4450.00%
Terrence Carl040.00%
Timmy Breidenstein4833.33%
Trevor Taylor1712.50%
Valencia Kelly2250.00%
Victoria Semarjian040.00%
Will Skora1325.00%
William Clark21016.67%

Badges Awarded (22)

Downhill Slide
Downhill Slide
Earned for getting fewer league points on each game than the one before.

Earned 09/10/2023 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 22 meet 1)
Triple Jackpot
Triple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 450 total league points.

Earned 03/14/2023 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 21 meet 1)
Red Line Mania
Red Line Mania
Earned for playing in multiple "close games" in a meet.

Earned 04/08/2022 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 18 meet 2)
Earned for completing 5 seasons.

Earned 03/26/2020 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 16 meet 8)
Double Jackpot
Double Jackpot
Earned for scoring 300 total league points.

Earned 02/13/2020 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 16 meet 2)
Earned for having a 100% win percentage against an opponent in a season.

Earned 12/19/2019 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 15 meet 8)
Mirror Mirror
Mirror Mirror
Earned for having a palindromic machine score.

Earned 11/07/2019 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 15 meet 2)
Earned for playing 50 different machines.

Earned 11/07/2019 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 15 meet 2)
Player For All Seasons
Player For All Seasons
Earned for completing 3 consecutive seasons in a league.

Earned 05/23/2019 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 13 meet 8)
Top Banana
Top Banana
Earned for qualifying for the playoffs as #1 seed in your division.

Earned 05/23/2019 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 13 meet 8)
Deja Vu
Deja Vu
Earned for playing the same grouping of opponents twice in a season.

Earned 05/09/2019 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 13 meet 6)
Earned for winning a game with less than 20% of the league average score.

Earned 11/29/2018 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 12 meet 3)
Earned for scoring 150 total league points.

Earned 11/15/2018 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 12 meet 1)
Earned for playing 30 different machines.

Earned 03/01/2018 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 11 meet 2)
Finish Line
Finish Line
Earned for completing a season.

Earned 11/13/2017 (Cleveland Pinball League - Season 10 meet 8)
Old School
Old School
Earned for having a machine score ending in 000.

Earned 10/30/2017 (Cleveland Pinball League - Season 10 meet 6)
Game Room
Game Room
Earned for playing 15 different machines.

Earned 07/21/2017 (CPL Season 9 meet 7)
Earned for winning your group in 2 consecutive meets.

Earned 07/07/2017 (CPL Season 9 meet 5)
Earned for winning your group.

Earned 06/30/2017 (CPL Season 9 meet 4)
Best in Show
Best in Show
Earned for having the top score for a machine in a meet.

Earned 06/16/2017 (CPL Season 9 meet 2)
Red Line
Red Line
Earned for playing in a "close game".

Earned 06/09/2017 (CPL Season 9 meet 1)
Snake Eyeses
Snake Eyeses
Earned for scoring 1+1+1+1 points in a meet.

Earned 06/09/2017 (CPL Season 9 meet 1)