Cleveland Pinball League
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Cleveland Pinball League

Active from 11/10/2015 through 10/13/2024.

Played 20 seasons, 126 meets, 504 games.

Machine Summaries

MachineAverage ScoreHighest ScoreLowest ScorePlays
2001 (SE) 1,700 1,699 1,699 1
Amigo (ET) 124,310 265,510 44,870 6
Amigo (SE) 57,620 57,620 57,620 1
Attack from Mars (HD) 874,431,660 874,431,660 874,431,660 1
Avengers: Infinity Quest (Pro) (SE) 41,088,560 81,209,770 7,122,500 9
Bad Cats (SE) 10,816,650 28,821,360 1,758,750 3
Banzai Run (SE) 887,470 1,023,710 751,220 2
Barracorra (SE) 303,580 882,490 60,870 12
Batman Dark Knight (PP) 8,072,370 8,072,370 8,072,370 1
Black Knight (SE) 281,040 326,510 235,560 2
Black Knight Sword of Rage (SE) 19,322,380 28,456,160 10,188,600 2
Bram Stoker's Dracula (SE) 330,561,350 597,097,060 64,025,630 2
Bride of Pinbot (SE) 10,152,990 31,856,550 2,388,810 5
Cactus Canyon Remake (SE) 27,105,570 32,111,850 17,735,720 6
Centaur (SE) 514,450 1,841,230 147,650 8
Cheetah (SE) 431,130 628,150 234,110 2
Cinema (HD) 50,100 55,530 44,670 2
Cirqus Voltaire (SE) 13,287,290 18,804,680 9,969,040 3
Comet (SE) 1,389,970 2,202,920 407,230 5
Corvette (SE) 440,406,070 889,987,280 55,452,390 5
Deadpool (SE) 113,497,690 592,041,110 2,195,200 9
Demolition Man (ET) 295,688,120 670,268,860 74,680,340 10
Demolition Man (SE) 873,075,460 2,869,509,420 29,120,640 13
Dialed In! (SE) 1,384,010 1,384,010 1,384,010 1
Diner (HD) 3,806,280 6,353,380 1,125,180 4
Diner (SE) 6,359,560 22,695,550 1,072,170 8
Dirty Harry (SE) 43,637,620 43,637,620 43,637,620 1
Doctor Who (HD) 5,786,020 5,786,020 5,786,020 1
Doctor Who (SE) 47,181,040 119,781,700 6,065,200 7
Dolly! (SE) 111,620 116,020 107,210 2
Dragon (Interflip) (SE) 474,320 1,025,000 96,500 19
Dungeons & Dragons (SE) 1,870,550 3,285,490 162,100 7
Eight Ball (SE) 122,140 322,670 41,070 7
Eight Ball Deluxe (SE) 596,610 1,023,590 125,030 8
Elvira (Stern) (PP) 92,751,820 92,751,820 92,751,820 1
ElviraATPM (SE) 7,625,240 11,198,060 761,100 3
Elvis (SE) 30,051,430 gold medal 30,051,430 30,051,430 1
Extra Inning (SE) 2,110 3,178 1,049 2
F-14 (SE) 850,020 1,121,160 578,880 2
F-14 Tomcat (ET) 812,930 2,632,080 109,810 5
F-14 Tomcat (HD) 951,330 1,223,420 679,240 2
Faces (SE) 344,600 344,600 344,600 1
Family Guy (HD) 5,771,640 5,771,640 5,771,640 1
Fast Break (SE) 77 89 64 2
Fireball (SE) 23,130 23,530 22,730 2
Fish Tales (HD) 16,111,240 26,049,780 6,172,690 2
Flash Gordon (SE) 645,230 gold medal 1,954,880 124,520 8
Flight 2000 (SE) 222,900 461,180 112,130 4
Foo Fighters (Pro) (SE) 141,010,330 241,832,560 35,188,610 7
Frontier (HD) 255,920 369,520 118,500 3
Frontier (SE) 294,560 592,480 130,410 7
FunHouse (SE) 1,269,990 1,269,990 1,269,990 1
Future Spa (SE) 181,310 469,720 17,360 14
Galaxy (SE) 1,010,870 gold medal 1,010,870 1,010,870 1
Game of Thrones (ET) 57,887,880 182,950,390 1,067,530 9
Game of Thrones (SE) 328,974,120 328,974,120 328,974,120 1
Genesis (PP) 151,180 151,180 151,180 1
Getaway (SE) 108,030,890 325,559,470 9,076,460 14
Godzilla Pro (SE) 79,707,350 199,363,960 15,326,380 8
Grand Lizard (SE) 643,560 2,181,580 64,450 5
Guns 'n Roses JJP (SE) 1,120,010 1,120,009 1,120,009 1
Halloween (SE) 1,563,840 1,563,840 1,563,840 1
Hang Glider (SE) 23,940 23,940 23,940 1
Harlem Globetrotters (HD) 232,520 356,060 108,980 2
Harlem Globetrotters (SE) 186,050 186,050 186,050 1
Hurricane (SE) 30,336,840 gold medal 44,144,920 16,528,750 2
Iron Maiden (HD) 59,127,190 80,897,920 23,179,330 3
Iron Maiden (SE) 34,138,940 70,301,410 15,055,930 8
James Bond 007 (SE) 57,098,380 178,203,260 4,725,240 5
Jaws (Pro) (SE) 214,716,350 262,918,010 115,145,500 4
Johnny Mnemonic (SE) 9,764,056,500 gold medal 10,076,110,960 9,452,002,040 2
Judge Dredd (ET) 82,128,870 128,309,840 43,837,790 5
Jungle Queen (SE) 92,750 147,540 61,060 3
Jurassic Park (ET) 62,160,850 66,423,640 57,898,060 2
Jurassic Park (HD) 119,470,860 119,470,860 119,470,860 1
Jurassic Park Premium (PP) 81,253,300 81,253,300 81,253,300 1
Jurassic Park Pro (SE) 139,041,280 426,277,370 15,503,150 10
Kiss (SE) 39,908,960 39,908,960 39,908,960 1
Lost World (HD) 200,970 336,300 78,440 6
Lost World (SE) 122,770 122,770 122,770 1
Mandalorian (PP) 19,285,160 19,285,160 19,285,160 1
Mata Hari (SE) 203,270 203,270 203,270 1
Medieval Madness (HD) 9,023,790 9,023,790 9,023,790 1
Medieval Madness (PP) 16,023,510 16,023,510 16,023,510 1
Medieval Madness (SE) 3,191,220 3,191,220 3,191,220 1
Memory Lane (SE) 606,970 gold medal 606,970 606,970 1
Metallica (SE) 12,649,380 21,988,950 6,557,480 4
Mousin' Around (SE) 5,112,690 9,315,020 1,791,170 3
No Fear (SE) 345,174,430 375,588,190 315,418,250 3
Orbitor 1 (SE) 85,740 85,740 85,740 1
Paragon (SE) 96,460 462,920 14,800 15
Phantom of the Opera (SE) 1,120,900 1,120,900 1,120,900 1
PinBot (PP) 387,240 387,240 387,240 1
PinBot (SE) 2,092,450 2,092,450 2,092,450 1
PIN•BOT (ET) 646,970 1,170,680 246,950 3
Radical (ET) 4,923,060 9,665,750 1,063,110 5
Ripley's Believe it or Not (ET) 3,961,570 8,204,170 1,582,210 7
Road Show (SE) 369,938,640 gold medal 1,108,321,360 45,790,000 6
Rollercoaster Tycoon (SE) 1,661,170 1,661,170 1,661,170 1
Seawitch (SE) 146,000 314,260 56,340 4
secret service (SE) 951,140 951,140 951,140 1
Sharpshooter (SE) 62,950 62,950 62,950 1
Simpsons Pinball Party (SE) 1,656,180 2,581,220 992,640 3
Skateball (SE) 494,750 778,160 181,110 3
Solar Fire (SE) 457,640 788,200 127,070 2
Space Shuttle (SE) 424,330 659,880 188,780 2
Spanish Eyes (SE) 19,080 19,080 19,080 1
Star Trek (HD) 47,222,750 47,222,750 47,222,750 1
Star Trek Pro (ET) 18,565,090 18,565,090 18,565,090 1
Star Wars Episode 1 (SE) 24,934,530 40,857,000 9,012,060 2
Stars (SE) 50,920 50,920 50,920 1
Stranger Things (SE) 122,000,530 308,810,800 23,197,630 5
Subway (SE) 1,370 1,365 1,365 1
Tales of the Arabian Nights (HD) 1,164,250 1,164,250 1,164,250 1
Taxi (ET) 1,204,930 3,143,550 385,820 12
Taxi (SE) 1,654,800 3,074,040 579,620 5
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (HD) 8,234,430 18,007,220 2,115,070 3
Terminator 2 (SE) 82,139,120 gold medal 82,139,120 82,139,120 1
The Addams Family (SE) 34,314,640 47,761,360 20,867,910 2
The Mandalorian (HD) 59,160,720 84,644,890 1,760,940 4
The Shadow (ET) 412,740,260 578,298,800 170,240,110 3
The Shadow (HD) 187,406,870 215,202,420 159,611,320 2
Tommy (SE) 81,991,290 81,991,290 81,991,290 1
Triple Strike (SE) 59,500 59,500 59,500 1
Twilight Zone (SE) 216,048,110 350,457,920 51,558,410 8
Venom (SE) 565,327,090 565,327,090 565,327,090 1
Voltan (SE) 175,610 175,610 175,610 1
Walking Dead (SE) 47,638,100 47,638,100 47,638,100 1
Wheel of Fortune (SE) 25,253,080 43,727,240 3,706,430 6
Whirlwind (SE) 2,815,460 6,311,020 892,520 6
WhiteWater (SE) 479,211,180 618,384,750 340,037,610 2
Who DUNNit (SE) 342,246,700 471,122,430 157,960,850 3
Who Dunnit? (PP) 259,525,000 259,525,000 259,525,000 1
Wizard! (SE) 128,070 164,830 88,260 4
World Cup Soccer '94 (SE) 198,657,570 198,657,570 198,657,570 1
X-Men (SE) 33,019,440 33,019,440 33,019,440 1
Xenon (SE) 258,920 258,920 258,920 1
Yukon (SE) 177,300 329,820 94,350 5

Head to Head Results

OpponentWinsLossesWin Percentage
Aaron McMillin6275.00%
Aaron Trachtman5741.67%
Adam Spektor1325.00%
Al Demor6650.00%
Amanda Case10283.33%
Amy Virostko40100.00%
Andrew Lee51920.83%
Andrew Schwartz40100.00%
Andy Grady3175.00%
Arlo Russell9756.25%
Ashley Gobler4450.00%
Ashley Volk3175.00%
Beau Blanchard7943.75%
Ben Haehn3537.50%
Ben Horstman2250.00%
Ben Scharf20871.43%
Bill Taylor171947.22%
Branden Yearsley2250.00%
Brandon Kirsch40100.00%
Brent Reed5362.50%
Brett Friedman40100.00%
Brian Cade11191.67%
Brian Clagett4833.33%
Brian Goebbel5362.50%
Brian Hill51525.00%
Cameron Norris3175.00%
Candy Freed2250.00%
Chase Novack2250.00%
Clare Gross40100.00%
Clay Carr4450.00%
Clay Hinson7558.33%
Cookie Armenio30100.00%
Dan Edwards3175.00%
Dan Russell15962.50%
Daniel Dudley3175.00%
Daniel Knapp10283.33%
Dave DeOreo7558.33%
David Greene6185.71%
David Spasic1712.50%
Declan Ziegler6275.00%
Derek Demianczyk2250.00%
Derek Fierst40100.00%
DJ Toth172342.50%
Elliott Alloway1233.33%
Elliott Boycik6275.00%
Eric Dibling3175.00%
Fiona Kelly7558.33%
Geoff Shobert6275.00%
George Fumich40100.00%
Heather Brack11191.67%
Hector Caraballo8466.67%
Ian Verschuren2625.00%
Jacob Cianci-Gaskill12860.00%
Jake Zard3175.00%
Jamie Ziemba2250.00%
Jason Dunlap40100.00%
Jason Dunn1325.00%
Jeffrey Dickson1325.00%
Jen LeMaster4450.00%
Jesse Leyva040.00%
Jessie George30100.00%
Jim Smegola40100.00%
Jimmy Thain15962.50%
Joe Morris40100.00%
Joe Roskos1325.00%
Joe Szucs3175.00%
John Delzoppo53113.89%
John Lawson3175.00%
John Volk3175.00%
Jonathan Snyder2250.00%
JP McCarthy3175.00%
Julia Licastro4450.00%
Julian Williams6275.00%
Justis Estell5362.50%
Kelley Carr8372.73%
Kelly McGowan20483.33%
Kelly Primozic7187.50%
Kevin Vogl80100.00%
Kory Dakin2250.00%
Kyle Shepard16480.00%
Laila Shadaram2250.00%
Lalene Kay3175.00%
Laura Petkovsek3175.00%
Laura Wimbles40100.00%
Leah Gosciejew9375.00%
Levon Russell40100.00%
Lisa Sanchez5362.50%
Logan Hannigan40100.00%
Lou Ziegler4450.00%
Mark Biszantz40100.00%
Mark Brown61037.50%
Mark Licastro5362.50%
Mark Terveen191752.78%
Marlys Rambeau General14670.00%
Marty Brass5362.50%
Mary Passalacqua3175.00%
Matt Noll40100.00%
Matt Zitnik3537.50%
Megan Brown2625.00%
Melissa Spainhourd40100.00%
Michael Drivas6275.00%
Michael James4450.00%
Michael Trombetta8466.67%
Mike Axel2250.00%
Mike Leeson3175.00%
Mike Szilagyi2250.00%
Mollie Hambro2250.00%
Nathan Murray7558.33%
Nick Uroseva10662.50%
Nicole Dunn4450.00%
Nicole Turk5741.67%
Nikola Spasic3175.00%
Noah Freed-Fundak2250.00%
Pac Man7558.33%
Paul Paterson1712.50%
Paul Russell3175.00%
Peter Sposet3175.00%
Rachel Fisher40100.00%
Rachel Wright3175.00%
Raz Rasmussen6275.00%
Rebecca Kulchak7187.50%
Richard Rulong4450.00%
Riley Hytree3175.00%
Rob Hytree111150.00%
Rob Townsend17770.83%
Ron Thomas3175.00%
Russ Murphy2250.00%
Ryan Case1325.00%
Ryan Debiase6275.00%
Ryan Roberts3175.00%
Sam Sieder3175.00%
Sean Jeter2250.00%
Sean Smith3175.00%
Shana Mysko2250.00%
Spencer O'Neill8850.00%
Spencer Rappaport1325.00%
Stacey Boycik2250.00%
Steve Lamb3175.00%
Steven Clute2250.00%
Terrence Carl241660.00%
Tim Kerro352558.33%
Tim Zjaba7558.33%
Timmy Breidenstein151353.57%
Tom Goldthwait40100.00%
Tom Young40100.00%
Trevor Taylor12860.00%
Victoria Semarjian6275.00%
Will Heaney1325.00%
Will Skora3175.00%
William Clark161650.00%

Badges Awarded (45)

Octuple Jackpot
Octuple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 1,200 total league points.

Earned 08/29/2022 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 19 meet 5)
Septuple Jackpot
Septuple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 1,050 total league points.

Earned 04/01/2022 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 18 meet 1)
Triple Scoop
Triple Scoop
Earned for scoring 3+3+3+3 points in a meet.

Earned 11/11/2021 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 17 meet 3)
Earned for completing 10 seasons.

Earned 03/26/2020 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 16 meet 8)
Billionaire Club
Billionaire Club
Earned for scoring a billion points on a machine.

Earned 03/12/2020 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 16 meet 6)
Sextuple Jackpot
Sextuple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 900 total league points.

Earned 02/27/2020 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 16 meet 4)
Strong Finish
Strong Finish
Earned for getting a league high score on a machine in the final meet of a season.

Earned 12/19/2019 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 15 meet 8)
Four of a Kind
Four of a Kind
Earned for winning your group in 4 consecutive meets.

Earned 12/19/2019 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 15 meet 8)
Earned for winning your group in 3 consecutive meets.

Earned 12/12/2019 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 15 meet 7)
Quintuple Jackpot
Quintuple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 750 total league points.

Earned 08/22/2019 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 14 meet 7)
Earned for duplicating a score previously recorded on a machine.

Earned 05/09/2019 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 13 meet 6)
Most Improved
Most Improved
Earned for getting a personal high score on a machine you've played 10+ times.

Earned 04/25/2019 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 13 meet 4)
Middle of the Road
Middle of the Road
Earned for scoring 2+2+2+2 points in a meet.

Earned 04/18/2019 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 13 meet 3)
Quadruple Jackpot
Quadruple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 600 total league points.

Earned 04/04/2019 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 13 meet 1)
The Air Up There
The Air Up There
Earned for having the highest overall point total during a season.

Earned 11/15/2018 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 12 meet 1)
Earned for finishing a season with the high score on 3 machines.

Earned 04/12/2018 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 11 meet 8)
Earned for completing 5 seasons.

Earned 04/12/2018 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 11 meet 8)
Earned for scoring 100 points in a season.

Earned 04/12/2018 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 11 meet 8)
Deja Vu
Deja Vu
Earned for playing the same grouping of opponents twice in a season.

Earned 03/29/2018 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 11 meet 6)
Triple Jackpot
Triple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 450 total league points.

Earned 03/15/2018 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 11 meet 4)
Earned for playing 50 different machines.

Earned 03/01/2018 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 11 meet 2)
Snake Eyeses
Snake Eyeses
Earned for scoring 1+1+1+1 points in a meet.

Earned 10/23/2017 (Cleveland Pinball League - Season 10 meet 5)
Earned for winning your group in 2 consecutive meets.

Earned 10/09/2017 (Cleveland Pinball League - Season 10 meet 3)
Beating the Odds
Beating the Odds
Earned for exceeding the league average on every game of a meet.

Earned 10/09/2017 (Cleveland Pinball League - Season 10 meet 3)
Clean Sweep
Clean Sweep
Earned for having the top score for every machine in a meet.

Earned 08/04/2017 (CPL Season 9 meet 9)
Double Jackpot
Double Jackpot
Earned for scoring 300 total league points.

Earned 07/14/2017 (CPL Season 9 meet 6)
Earned for scoring 10+ points for 5 consecutive meets.

Earned 07/14/2017 (CPL Season 9 meet 6)
Red Line Mania
Red Line Mania
Earned for playing in multiple "close games" in a meet.

Earned 06/09/2017 (CPL Season 9 meet 1)
Earned for playing 30 different machines.

Earned 04/15/2017 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 8 meet 8)
Player For All Seasons
Player For All Seasons
Earned for completing 3 consecutive seasons in a league.

Earned 04/15/2017 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 8 meet 8)
Old School
Old School
Earned for having a machine score ending in 000.

Earned 03/25/2017 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 8 meet 5)
En Fuego
En Fuego
Earned for winning all games in a meet.

Earned 07/27/2016 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 7 meet 8)
Big 2-0
Big 2-0
Earned for scoring 20 points in a meet!

Earned 07/27/2016 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 7 meet 8)
Earned for scoring 150 total league points.

Earned 07/27/2016 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 7 meet 8)
Power Points
Power Points
Earned for scoring 16 or more points three times in a season.

Earned 07/27/2016 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 7 meet 8)
Head of the Class
Head of the Class
Earned for making A Division.

Earned 07/27/2016 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 7 meet 8)
Finish Line
Finish Line
Earned for completing a season.

Earned 04/13/2016 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 6 meet 6)
Earned for having a 100% win percentage against an opponent in a season.

Earned 04/13/2016 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 6 meet 6)
Going for Gold
Going for Gold
Earned for finishing a season with the high score on a machine.

Earned 04/13/2016 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 6 meet 6)
Daily Double
Daily Double
Earned for having the top score for two machines in a meet.

Earned 04/06/2016 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 6 meet 5)
Best in Show
Best in Show
Earned for having the top score for a machine in a meet.

Earned 04/06/2016 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 6 meet 5)
Game Room
Game Room
Earned for playing 15 different machines.

Earned 03/30/2016 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 6 meet 4)
Earned for having a machine score not ending in zero.

Earned 03/09/2016 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 6 meet 1)
Earned for winning your group.

Earned 03/09/2016 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 6 meet 1)
Red Line
Red Line
Earned for playing in a "close game".

Earned 11/10/2015 (Cleveland Pinball League Season 5 meet 7)